Landslides and sinkholes
Applied research, new monitoring technologies, data production, and services in the field of landslides and sinkholes, along with the transfer of technical-scientific knowledge to the Regional Geological Surveys, constitute the activities of WP3.
The goal is to support decision-making processes related to risk reduction.
WP3 focuses on enhancing the platform for hydrogeological disasters, IdroGEO, with new tools and services for landslide mapping, including a 3D viewer and a tool for analyzing parameters of the affected area.
Furthermore, it undertakes the revision and implementation of the regional Inventories of Landslide Phenomena in Campania, Sicily, and Sardinia, the experimentation with innovative in-situ monitoring technologies for landslides using high-altitude stations in dolomitic environments, the use of Doppler radar, the monitoring in pyroclastic soils, and the photomonitoring.
Additionally, the analysis of permafrost degradation processes in high-altitude Alpine areas is conducted, along with the analysis of earthquake-induced landslides, quantitative estimation of landslide risk, and the definition of a study and monitoring protocol for landslides at a local scale based on detailed geological, geomorphological, and geotechnical data, 3D modeling, and remote sensing data.
Regarding the topic of sinkholes, WP3 addresses both natural and anthropogenic phenomena. The expansion of the ISPRA database is accompanied by an innovative classification system, necessary due to the geological diversity and uniqueness of sinkhole manifestations in Italy.
Guidelines have been developed to provide a rigorous methodology for determining territorial susceptibility and monitoring soil deformations. Special attention is given to the inventory and characterization of sinkholes in urban contexts.
WP3 involves the collaboration of 13 Operating Units from 2 research institutes (ISPRA and OGS) and 9 universities (Milano Bicocca, Sapienza, Insubria, Palermo, Cagliari, Bari, Napoli, Trieste, Tuscia).